Draft Master Plan 20 October 2003
Draft Master Plan 20 October 2003

Draft Master Plan 20 October 2003

Newport 2020 ‘Unlimited Vision’

This Master Plan has been commissioned by Newport Unlimited on behalf of the people of Newport. The Draft Master Plan for Newport’s City Centre and the surrounding districts calls for significant change over the next 15 to 20 years. It is vital that as many comments and suggestions as possible are received so that the final proposals match the aspirations of the people. Once the public have contributed, the final Master Plan will be prepared and Newport Unlimited will strive to deliver the vision and projects contained in the plan in conjunction with it’s partners, Newport City Council, the Welsh Development Agency and the Welsh Assembly Government.

Newport Unlimited is a private company founded by Newport City Council, the WDA and the Welsh Assembly Government. The objective of the Company is to assist and promote the regeneration of the physical environment and improving the City’s economy. The Company has secured initial funding to help start implementing the plan. This funding will be used to secure maximum investment and physical assets of real value to the people.

Newport Tomorrow

The Draft Plan provides a broad, yet bold vision for Newport to the year 2020. It will take many years to realise, requiring investment from both the public and private sectors. The new riverfront theatre complex, the opening of the Southern Distributor Bridge and the Ryder Cup event coming to Newport in 2010 will be catalysts for change and many additional ‘early win’ projects can be realised for the community in the next several years.

The Vision

The plan focuses on the urban renewal of the city, aiming to revive the city centre and
surrounding areas. The plan calls for a more sustainable city where people can live closer
to places where they work and shop and are encouraged to use improved public transport.
The future image for Newport will be a city which is:

  • Prosperous
  • A pleasant place to be with a strong sense of place
  • A good place to shop
  • Respecting and celebrating its past heritage
  • A safe place to be, easy to get around
  • Adapting to change in innovative ways
  • An interesting and diverse community
  • Forward thinking
  • Contributing to the restoration of the ecology of the region

The Draft Master Plan envisions a future city known for its revived city centre: a destination
for jobs, entertainment and dining and a unique shopping experience. Newport will become a regional centre where people work, live and play. New housing, cultural and educational institutions will create a vibrant scene at all times of the day. The commercial core will extend to the riverfront with improved pedestrian connections. The landscape of the River Usk corridor will be restored and continuous pedestrian walks and bicycle trails will extend north and south to outlying areas.

The Draft Plan shows how Newport can build upon existing assets to make it a stronger shopping and cultural attraction for families, a vibrant workplace for new businesses and a city with an enhanced sensitivity towards the environment.

See the original plan below;